Emissions — latest ecology news
The calculated amount of carbon emissions is equivalent to the annual emissions of Belgium
This will help Ukraine to build a high-quality national policy in the field of prevention and control of industrial pollution
Complaints about the unbearable smell were received in 2017, 2018 and 2019
In two years, the Ukrainian RTD will be integrated with the European one
The order introduces stricter requirements for objects of the third group
Emissions from the enterprise had a strong smell of solvent and caused health disorders in residents
The business entity must strictly comply with the conditions specified in the permit and not exceed the emission volumes
The ratification of the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Additional Protocol is an important step for the preservation of nature in Ukraine
People's deputies will consider the report of the head of the State Nuclear Regulatory Commission on the results of work in 2022
Polluters will water the streets from April to October
The new law introduces more stringent requirements for gas infrastructure operators to identify and eliminate methane leaks
Currently, 482 installations are registered in the Unified Register for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions