Dangerous waste — latest ecology news
A QR code was placed on the containers, through which you can inform the public utilities about the abandoned cylinders
On the online map, working containers are marked in red, and damaged ones are marked in yellow
Kyiv region was the first region to equip sites for the temporary placement of 144,000 tons of demolition waste
Some large manufacturers are beginning to change their position
Once in the landfill, such hazardous waste poisons the air, water and soil
The reform will bring the quality of life in Ukraine to a new level, open the way to the EU and change society from the inside
Changes in hazardous waste management will also be discussed at the event
Such garbage cannot be thrown into the general container, because it has an extremely negative effect on the environment
Demolition waste can be used in the production of building materials
Such measures will be carried out regularly, until the territory of Darnytskyi district is completely cleaned of harmful and dangerous rubber
The waste of war and destruction pollutes the environment and creates additional emissions of greenhouse gases
In one of the districts of Odessa, they are working on the liquidation of two landfills