Bosom — latest ecology news

The perpetrators sold 1,800 tons of covering mixture made from peat

OVD will apply to mining, logging, construction of a power line and a gas station

In the region, "black" amber diggers damaged more than 4.5 thousand hectares of forest

Subsoil extraction may be declared inadmissible after conducting the EIA

The damage caused to the natural environment is more than 62 million hryvnias

Violating enterprises were offered to voluntarily compensate for damages

The forest is a "place of strength" for many Kharkiv residents

The violator was presented with a claim for compensation for the damage caused

This will make it possible to get rid of the practice of canceling or suspending a permit at the discretion of an official

New rules for artesian waters will allow to quickly provide the population with drinking water after the explosion of the Kakhova HPP

This will form the basis of a top-level national plan

Perpetrators face up to 6 years in prison