Ex-directors of Volynvugillia will be tried for illegal mining worth billions of hryvnias

Ex-directors of Volynvugillia will be tried for illegal mining worth billions of hryvnias

Katerina Belousova

Perpetrators face up to 6 years in prison

In Volyn, four former general directors of the state-owned enterprise "Volynvugillia" will be tried, under whose leadership losses from illegal mineral extraction reached 1.17 billion hryvnias.

From 2018 to 2022, the company mined 132,400 tons of coal without a special permit, the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation reports.

It is noted that in 2018, the company's special permits for coal mining expired. However, the head of "Volynvugil" at that time instructed subordinates to continue work.


The press service said that three of his successors continued illegal mining. Coal was sold under current contracts of the state enterprise.


The SBI emphasized that the ex-directors are accused of illegal extraction of minerals of national significance under Article 240 of the Criminal Code. Perpetrators face up to six years in prison.

"Procedural management is carried out by the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office of the Prosecutor General's Office," the message added.


Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Cherkasy region, prosecutors sent an indictment to the court against the director of a private enterprise, which illegally mined clay and loam for 209 million UAH.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in Transcarpathia near Tyachev, a criminal scheme was uncovered by a company that mined 150,000 tons under the guise of an agricultural firm sand and gravel for 405 million UAH.

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