Several thousand dolphins in the Black Sea became victims of the Russian war. Photo 18+ shutterstock

Several thousand dolphins in the Black Sea became victims of the Russian war. Photo 18+

Olena Yatseno

In recent weeks, the number of victims among dolphins in the Black Sea has increased

In the Black Sea, since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, several thousand dolphins have died from explosions, as well as from the effects of sonar.

Such a statement on his own Facebook pages made an ecologist and head of the research department of the Tuzliv estuaries national park in the Odesa region Ivan Rusev. He also published a photo of the injured dolphins.

"Analysis of the available data collected by us during the three months of war on the coast of our national park, as well as the materials of recent open publications from Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and based on the personal reports of my friends and colleagues abroad, we assume that due to the brutal and several thousands of dolphins have died in the insane war raging in the Black Sea since the beginning of the war and until now," Rusev wrote.

According to Rusev, the number of victims among dolphins in the Black Sea has increased in recent weeks.

Photo: Ivan Rusev

Within the national natural park Tuzliv estuaries dolphins swim in flocks along the seashore in pursuit of fish. They also dig in the sand on sea shoals in search of sole. However, in some places on the coast, national park workers come across dead dolphins.

"Dead dolphins are found in various places of the sandbank as a result of the war of racist barbarians, who use powerful sonar devices and disorient the animals," the ecologist explained.

Photo: Ivan Rusev

Rusev added that in Bulgaria, at the mouth of the Ropotamo River, several dolphins appeared that were not oriented and were very weak. Some of the sea animals had burns from bomb explosions or mines.

"According to the estimates of the experts, they could not eat for at least 10 days. Those who were not burned suffered internal damage and suffered greatly. Such wounded or dead dolphins in the Black Sea are carried by the current to the coasts of Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and to the shores of Ukraine," said the ecologist.

Before Ecopolitic reported that at the Kuchurgan reservoir, near the village of Gradenytsia, Odesa region, a poacher who was on a boat was discovered caught fish illegally for more than 850 thousand hryvnias.

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