The expertise admitted the activity of the kaolin quarry as illegal in the Zaporozhye region shutterstock

The expertise admitted the activity of the kaolin quarry as illegal in the Zaporozhye region

Katerina Belousova

Conclusion filed with the Zaporozhye District Administrative Court in the case of cancellation of building permits

Scientific and legal expertise of the Institute of State and Law. Koretsky recognized the illegality of the conclusion of the EIA received by the Belyaevsky Enrichment Plant (BEP) for the development of a kaolin quarry near Volnyansk in the Zaporozhye region.

Community has been struggling with the development of the Belyaevsky deposit of primary kaolins on the territory of the Pavlovsky village council for more than 5 years, reports 061

The community of Volnyanshchyna did not give consent to the dangerous production and applied three times to the research institutions of Ukraine, the conclusions of which indicate the presence of unreliable information in the report of the EIA.

People are confident that the development of a kaolin deposit will cause significant damage to the environment and create unfavorable living conditions for people.

The examination of the Institute of State and Law found that the conclusion of EIA, which the company received in 2019, was issued in violation of the requirements of the law. This is the basis for its cancellation in court and it cannot be used to obtain other permits for the proposed activity.

This institute is the main legal research institution in Ukraine, which, among other things, provides expert and scientific advisory assistance to the Government, the Office of the President, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Constitutional Court, etc.

Withdrawal from the EIA became the basis for the BEP to obtain building permits, as a result of which especially valuable lands are being destroyed. The community received 3 expert opinions from leading research institutions, indicating the presence of unreliable information in the report of the EIA.

Thus, the Sokolovsky Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry established the presence of especially valuable lands in the territory of the planned quarry development, which makes it impossible to conduct activities in these territories.

The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry found that kaolin samples from the Belyaevskoye deposit, declared as radiation safety class 1, belong to class 2 and contain heavy metals. This can lead to pollution and other negative consequences.

The Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Examination found that in the ATS report, the calculations of the volumes of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air during the extraction of kaolin were significantly reduced.

"However, the leadership of the BOC did not agree with these conclusions, calling them "abstracts of some students who have no power," the article noted.

The opinion of the Institute of State and Law was submitted to the Zaporizhia District Administrative Court in the case of the cancellation of permits for the construction of a kaolin quarry.

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Works are underway despite the negative conclusion on the EIA report

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