Ukraine will launch a system for accounting for every ton of garbage shutterstock

Ukraine will launch a system for accounting for every ton of garbage

Katerina Belousova

The government also approved the Licensing conditions for conducting economic activities for the management of hazardous waste

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the procedure for administering the waste management information system service, which will allow tracking the life cycle of each ton of waste in Ukraine.

The beta version of the system, which has already been tested by entrepreneurs, was developed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, according to the ministry's Facebook page.

"We continue to reform the waste management system in Ukraine, we strive to fully digitize all processes and make them automated. This is the only possible way to control and minimize waste entering the environment. Therefore, we are changing our approach and strive for maximum transparency and openness. This will make it possible to develop the waste market in the same way as it works in EU countries," said the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Ruslan Strilets.

It will be noted that the system will allow:

  • follow the life cycle of each ton of waste, because the waste generator, transporter and disposer will keep records in the system, which will show how much waste was given to whom and where, who accepted it, what was done with it next;
  • to remove the movement of waste from the "shadow", which will make impossible the situation when the waste from the garbage container according to the documents went to the landfill, but in fact got into the forest strip;
  • implement European approaches and set a new world trend. After all, the experience of Bulgaria, Finland, Austria and France was taken into account when developing the system. In these countries, the systems work in a semi-automatic mode: entrepreneurs download PDF files, and officials process them manually. In Ukraine, these processes are automated.

The message emphasized that the system will contain the following submodules:

  • accounting and reporting – the business does not need to create any additional documents. The system will generate all the reports on its own, and will also remind you what permission it is time to get, when to sign the reports;
  • provision of administrative services – in peopleless and paperless mode, 80% of decisions will be made without an official in online format. This will allow businesses to save more than UAH 2 billion per year on administrative and licensing procedures;
  • registers that will be created automatically and will be freely available. Open data will ensure that citizens are fully informed, and will also benefit investors who are considering opportunities to work in the sector.

It is worth noting that the government also approved the Licensing conditions for the implementation of economic activities in the management of hazardous waste, which is a condition for continuing the implementation of the reform, which is part of Ukraine's obligations on the way to the EU, reports Mindovkillya on Telegram.

The document establishes:

  • the procedure for obtaining a license by enterprises that intend to work with hazardous waste – to carry out their collection, storage, processing, disposal;
  • organizational, personnel and technological requirements for such enterprises and their equipment.

It is noted that according to official statistics, before the full-scale war in Ukraine, more than 500,000 tons of hazardous waste was generated every year. Their storage places mostly did not meet the requirements of environmental safety, were filled to 90% of the design capacity, or were completely overcrowded. Also, such waste was often thrown into landfills or forest strips.

"This is the invisible threat that people hear about but don't see every day. At the same time, just one battery that gets into a river causes more harm than thousands of tons of waste from industry. The waste management reform currently underway in Ukraine, establishes civilized rules in this sector as well," Strelets emphasized.

The message emphasized that now, in order to carry out operations with hazardous waste, enterprises need to undergo a pre-licensing inspection and submit documents for obtaining a license.

The press service explained that this approach will allow Ukraine to solve the accumulated problems with hazardous waste, ensure the appropriate level of environmental safety in the country and move further along the "road map" of reform implementation and joining the EU.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strelets stated that the department has developed a document that will establish European requirements for landfills and landfills.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the government approved the Procedure and Criteria according to which certain substances or objects will be classified as by-products.

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