Green generation capacity increased to 8.7 GW in 2023. Infographic shutterstock

Green generation capacity increased to 8.7 GW in 2023. Infographic

Katerina Belousova

20 biogas plants did not produce energy at all, and 5 worked at 75-82% capacity

In Ukraine, as of the beginning of 2024, the installed capacity of renewable generation facilities increased by 238 MW from the level of 2022 and reached 8773 MW.

Currently, more than 1,000 companies operate more than 1,767 renewable energy facilities/installations in the sector, according to an analysis by the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (UABIO) for SAF.

It is noted that the total volume of green electricity production has not changed compared to 2022 and reached about 8 million MWh. The largest drop in electricity production in 2023 was recorded at wind power facilities – by 43%, while at other renewable energy facilities, production volumes increased by 10-61%.

The analysis emphasized that currently 24 thermal power plants and biomass thermal power plants are operating in Ukraine. Their capacity has increased by 23.6 MW and is 178 MW. About 110 MW of these capacities operate on sunflower husks and 67 MW use wood chips.

UABIO added that the annual volume of electricity production increased by 61% from 288 million kWh to 464 million kWh. In general, in Ukraine, the utilization ratio of the installed capacity of TPPs/CHPs on biomass increased from 21% to 34%. The largest source of energy was sunflower husks, thanks to which 78% of electricity was generated.

"Only a few companies have an average annual utilization rate of more than 65%, and some resumed their work in 2023, but were not able to increase production volumes enough," the report said, adding that 5 facilities did not resume their work in 2023. market.

It is noted that the total installed capacity of biogas complexes has not changed and is 135 MW. The average utilization rate of the installed electrical capacity of biogas plants is 49%.

The analysis added that the total volume of electricity production from biogas increased by 15% to 580 million kWh. However, 20 biogas plants did not produce energy at all, and 5 facilities had indicators of utilization of the installed capacity at the level of 75-82%.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Ukraine during the 2022-2023 war years, more than 660 MW of new capacities of renewable energy sources were put into operation.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, The State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving and the Ukrainian Energy Exchange signed agreements on the development of a transparent and competitive biofuel market.

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