The government approved critical norms for the reform of subsoil use shutterstock

The government approved critical norms for the reform of subsoil use

Katerina Belousova

This will provide a comprehensive approach to the use of deposits

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the list of underground structures not related to the extraction of minerals, which is necessary for the qualitative completion of the reform of subsoil use in Ukraine.

Previously, such a comprehensive list did not exist, which created opportunities for manipulation and free interpretation of norms, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources reports on Facebook.

The message explained that the subsoil can be provided for use not only for the extraction of minerals, but also for the construction of appropriate underground structures for:

  • storage of oil or gas;
  • disposal of production waste;
  • prevention of flooding after the closure of mines, etc.

"This provides a comprehensive approach to the use of deposits," the press service emphasized.

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Ruslan Strilets, noted that the reform is designed to create a transparent European model of sustainable subsoil use in Ukraine.

"The government is improving the legal field and eliminating gaps. We remove opportunities for abuse and at the same time create simple and clear rules of operation for everyone. We create conditions for equal access to the field and install safeguards so that such activities do not create risks for people and do not harm the environment," he said.

According to him, the Government is putting sustainable development and rational use of natural resources into the reform of subsoil use. Among the key goals are raw material security and independence, as well as Ukraine's integration into the European Strategy for the Development of Critical Raw Materials by 2030.

It is noted that the reform of subsoil use is aimed at deregulation and modernization of the rules of work in the sector. In particular, simplification of permitting procedures, digitization of the industry, guarantees of predictability for subsoil users and protection of national interests.

Strelets emphasized that Ukraine's economy and its position on international markets depend on the reform. It will also affect whether the country will have enough raw materials to rebuild.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that Verkhovna Rada supported draft law No. 4187 in the second reading" regarding the improvement of legislation in the field of subsoil use", which launches the reform of subsoil use in Ukraine. At the end of December 2022, the document signed by the president Volodymyr Zelenskyi of Ukraine.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, it was launched in Ukraine online issuance of special permits in the electronic cabinet of the subsurface user on the "EkoSistema" platform.

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