
Compared to the previous week, the level of nitrogen dioxide pollution decreased, formaldehyde increased

Funds will be returned to the investor at the expense of the achieved savings

Physical joining will take place in early 2023

Water from domestic taps is unsuitable for drinking or cooking

The steel industry and the energy industry have long been closely related

Officials guilty of abuses and crimes, particularly during wartime, may escape responsibility

Albania has no energy storage capacity and must import fossil energy to meet seasonal demand

The industrial sector generates about a third of energy-related carbon emissions in the US

Eco-inspectors took water samples for laboratory testing to find out the causes of the plague

During the operation of the gas-fired boiler room, about 348 tons of pollutants per year and more than 198.3 thousand tons of greenhouse gases per year are released, while fuel oil - more than 5.6 thousand tons of pollutants per year and more than 304 thousand tons of greenhouse gases per year

If the European Parliament or the European Council does not object to the proposal by July 11, 2022, the taxonomy law will enter into force on January 1, 2023

Deputies will consider the draft resolution on the formation of a special environmental monitoring mission to record environmental damage caused by armed aggression