
The forest could become a place for future construction

A large parking lot was set up at the factory, which was covered with solar panels

Spawning of fish, including those listed in the Red Book, takes place in Luzhanka

Thanks to the station, it is possible to detect fire and burning leaves

This can lead to an increase in the salinity of the water in the Sea of Azov

The Ecocommittee postponed consideration of draft law No. 9484 "On scrap metal"

The draft law provides for the creation of a system for the collection and recycling of packaging waste

The park will help adapt to climate change, reduce the effects of seasonal flooding, and combat congestion

Perpetrators face up to 10 years in prison

In France, they want to increase the capacity of offshore wind power from 0.5 GW to 18 GW, and solar power – from 16 GW to 60 GW

The USAID support program for 2023 provides for the installation of 69 cogeneration plants

The size of the environmental tax for CO2 emissions remained unchanged – UAH 30 per ton