An adventure-search ecoquest for children was launched in Transcarpathia. Video

An adventure-search ecoquest for children was launched in Transcarpathia. Video

Katerina Belousova

Children learned and remembered where and how animals live, studied vegetation and solved puzzles

In Uzhhorod, the Bavka Puppet Theater presented an adventure and search eco-quest called Carpathians in Danger – Stepan Comes to the Rescue, which aims to engage children in environmental protection.

The children were shown how people harm nature and how they can preserve it, CARING FOR CREATION (NATURE) reports on YouTube.

The theater actors immersed the children in a fairy tale story. In this way, trouble came to the Carpathians: birds stopped singing, flowers and trees stopped growing, all animals disappeared, rivers and forests were covered with garbage, and people did not know how to save nature. A boy named Stepan from a fairyland came to their aid and together they began to save the environment.

The children learned and recalled where and how animals live, studied vegetation, played and solved puzzles and various tasks.

The message said that for each passed stage, the participants received letters, from which they eventually made up the phrase-call "Take care of the environment!". At the end of the "journey", the children were presented with diplomas of connoisseurs and conservationists, "Stepan's Adventure in Kvadratlandia" coloring pages and sweet prizes.

"Participants received many positive impressions, learned to work in a team, and most importantly – understood how people harm nature and how they can preserve it," the report said.

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