Garbage reform in Ukraine has started: the Government adopted the law "On Waste Management"

Garbage reform in Ukraine has started: the Government adopted the law "On Waste Management"

Olena Yatseno

The first reading of the PZU took place on July 21, 2020

On Monday, June 20, the Government of Ukraine adopted in the second reading the long-awaited draft law No. 2207-1-d "On Waste Management".

The corresponding decision was supported by 282  people's deputies.

Purpose of the bill — improve the waste management system, ensure legislative and regulatory regulation of relations in the field of waste management, taking into account the requirements of the European Union directives, improve the state of the environment and achieve sustainable development goals.

What does the bill suggest?

The document proposes to introduce a hierarchy of waste management and basic requirements for extended producer responsibility, to introduce a system of long-term waste management planning at the national, regional and local levels.

The draft law provides for the introduction of a waste management information system designed to simplify the accounting and reporting system, the submission of declarations and the implementation of permitting procedures in the field of waste management. The introduction of a subsystem of open registries will provide access to information to the creators and other owners of waste, the public. It is proposed to strengthen control over the collection and processing of hazardous waste by tightening the requirements for licensing such activities.

The bill proposes to establish a procedure for the collection, removal and processing of household waste, ensure the introduction of their separate collection and recycling, provide for requirements for the quality provision of waste management services and charging fees for such a service.

Finally, the project proposes to amend the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Violations, which will establish a system of responsibility for offenses in the field of waste management.

The draft law itself, in particular Article 13 "General requirements for waste management", by decision of the Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management, was supplemented with a new part 9, which lays the legislative basis for the legal regulation of waste generated as a result of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.

Recall that in the first reading the bill "On Waste Management" was supported almost two years ago, on July 21, 2020.

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Comments and proposals to the draft law can be sent until January 26