The introduction of the draft decision and its voting directly depends on the mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klychko and each deputy of the Kyiv City Council
Compared to the previous week, the level of nitrogen dioxide pollution decreased, formaldehyde increased
Water from domestic taps is unsuitable for drinking or cooking
Officials guilty of abuses and crimes, particularly during wartime, may escape responsibility
Eco-inspectors took water samples for laboratory testing to find out the causes of the plague
During the operation of the gas-fired boiler room, about 348 tons of pollutants per year and more than 198.3 thousand tons of greenhouse gases per year are released, while fuel oil - more than 5.6 thousand tons of pollutants per year and more than 304 thousand tons of greenhouse gases per year
Most scientists did not volunteer to cooperate with the occupiers
Air parameters are within normal limits
Large-scale fires at infrastructure and industrial facilities lead to air poisoning with particularly dangerous substances that can be carried by winds over long distances
The Council's decision is necessarily
The plant cover protected the bulbs from excessive heating
An administrative protocol was drawn up against the offender for gross violation of fishing rules