
OVD will apply to mining, logging, construction of a power line and a gas station

Ukraine seeks to create a unique automated waste management system

Uprisun Technology has already joined the development of the National Decarbonization Platform

People's deputies will consider the report on the work of the Ecocommittee for the period of the ninth session of the Verkhovna Rada

Industry accounts for more than a third of all energy consumption in the country

The resolution "Issues of providing services for the removal of household waste" is no longer valid

It is also planned to develop small farms in Crimea

Parliament also adopted draft law No. 5839 "On regulation in the field of GMOs"

The speed of real changes depends on the preparation of the state and business for the implementation of the reform

The Ministry of Environment expects legislative initiatives to improve the system of management and control over the use and protection of water

The large-scale launch of platform services is planned for the first half of 2024

The national energy and climate plan should be part of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine