Buchansk school became the only eco-certified educational institution in Ukraine

Buchansk school became the only eco-certified educational institution in Ukraine

Katerina Belousova

The facility was built according to modern construction standards, taking into account the requirements of energy-efficient green construction standards

In Buchi Lyceum No. 9 became the first educational institution in Ukraine to receive eco-certification.

Among other things, the school uses demolition waste for the production of building materials, Buchan City Council reports on Facebook.


It is noted that lyceum students learn separate sorting and resource-efficient consumption.

"The Lyceum has become an example of the formation of ecological culture and green construction," the press service emphasized.


In the message, it was said that the lyceum received thanks for the observance of eco-labeling standards and promoting the formation of sustainable consumption and production from:

  • Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources;
  • international non-profit association Global Ecolabelling Network;
  • All-Ukrainian public organization "Living Planet".

On the website of the lyceum it is noted that the institution was built according to modern construction standards, taking into account the requirements of energy-efficient green construction standards. The Lyceum has an established environmental policy, which provides for a systematic improvement of its environmental performance. The building also has a rooftop CHP to provide water heating. And all energy-consuming devices, machinery and equipment meet the requirements of eco-design and environmental labeling standards.


Earlier, Ecopolitic wrote, that Buchansk community will build its own wastewater treatment facilities, which will work on green energy. Effluent will be treated in three stages according to European standards.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, Japanese business representatives presented the project of a green industrial zone in Buchi with an area of ​​3,000 hectares, where green hydrogen will be produced.

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