European politicians signed a historic declaration for Ukraine shutterstock

European politicians signed a historic declaration for Ukraine

Katerina Belousova

Europe recognizes that the Russian troops are not just destroying the Ukrainian land, but are trying to erase the heritage of the civilized world in the ecological sphere and set back the development of humanity for many years

At the UN conference "Environment for Europe", ministers and heads of delegations of participating countries signed a ministerial declaration, which the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources called historic.

This was the result of the three-day work of the IX Conference "Environment for Europe", reports Ministry of Environment on Telegram.

European countries in the document:

  • officially condemned russian crimes against the Ukrainian environment and Belarusian involvement in it;

The message noted that the UN Economic Commission for Europe was created immediately after World War II to help a devastated Europe rebuild and build a future based on peace and mutual cooperation. After 75 years, russia destroyed these aspirations.

  • secured further support and assistance in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine;

The head of the Ministry of Environment, Ruslan Strilets, explained that this point refers to assistance in assessing damages for Ukraine and other European countries, as well as to sustainable development while overcoming the consequences of the war.

  • identified the main ideas for the development of the environment for the next 5 years.

According to Strilets, Europe recognizes that russian missiles and tanks are not just destroying the Ukrainian land, but are trying to erase the heritage of the civilized world in the ecological sphere and set back the development of mankind for many years.

"We invite the whole world to resolutely repel evil. Ukraine has already achieved a lot in the field of analyzing the effects of russian aggression on nature. We are ready to share our experiences. Good will overcome evil. Ukraine will defeat Russia, and together with us, the whole civilized world will defeat Russia," said Strilets.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Ruslan Strilets, said that today the fate of the entire European continent is laid in Ukraine, in particular, in the field of environmental policy.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the president of the Professional Association of Environmentalists of Ukraine Lyudmila Tsyganok said that the war in Ukraine, which has a significant impact on the global world, will provoke a massive and powerful transition to green energy. After all, the First and Second World Wars were connected with different types of energy resources, and as a result of them, the world changed its priorities in favor of a different type of fuel.

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