
Valentina Bokii
Valentina Bokii
I was interested in the topics of environmental protection and climate change. The idea was to create a full-fledged media

Olena Yatseno
Feed Editor
Olena Yatseno
Feed Editor
Previously worked in a publishing house. Later she became interested in eco-culture and its development in Ukraine

Hanna Velyka
Feed Editor
Hanna Velyka
Feed Editor
Впродовж 2004-2013 років займалася викладацькою та науковою діяльністю. Сфера наукових інтересів – очищення стічних вод підприємств молочної промисловості.

Elena Berezhnyuk
Special Correspondent
Elena Berezhnyuk
Special Correspondent
She worked as a correspondent for Channel 5 and a journalist for the Groshi program on the 1+1 channel