Trees — latest ecology news

In 11 months of 2023, customs officers seized more than 550 cubic meters of wood and 1,680 kg of fuel briquettes

Kravchenko filed a complaint with the eco-inspection and again asked for an inspection

Artificial Christmas trees pay for their ecological footprint in 20 years

Law enforcement officers are investigating a criminal case of illegal logging and seizure of state property

Violators face up to 7 years in prison

The police opened criminal proceedings for air pollution

The figure offered to "solve the issue" for money

Officials issued logging tickets for the felling of 2,500 trees without the OVD procedure

The bark was exported without any dosimetric control

The origin of about half of the wood from the lot is unknown

The sanction of the article provides for a fine from 17 to 25.5 thousand UAH or arrest

Only 8.5% of the ancient forests of Ukraine are under protection