Kyiv residents saved old trees in the park of intellectuals from destruction

Kyiv residents saved old trees in the park of intellectuals from destruction

Katerina Belousova

Utility workers turned a healthy maple into a "disabled" one

In Kyiv, six activists saved large old trees in the Kyiv Intellectuals Park from destruction.

Utility workers planned to remove two mature trees and carry out "sanitary cleaning" of four more, according to an unreliable inspection report, dendrologist Volodymyr Vetrogradsky wrote on Facebook.

He emphasized that Kyiv Intellectuals Park already does not have enough green space for the current population density. In addition, in windy, cold weather, it is impossible to carry out any work with living tree tissue at all, as this will have a number of negative consequences.

"They managed to prune the maple tree, which before the intervention was in a completely healthy condition and only needed partial thinning and partial shortening of individual branches of the crown. The sprawling young maple is now permanently disabled for life," the dendrologist said.

Vetrogradskyi added that utility workers often do not understand what they are doing. They analyze the condition of the trees "by eye" and take care of them at their own discretion.

He also called on Ukrainians to actively participate in saving the city's ecology, because Kyiv is turning into a hostile to the entire living environment.

Earlier, Ecopolitic wrote, that in Kyiv, on Shukhevycha Avenue in the Dnipro district, criminals drilled holes in more than 100 trees and poured an unidentified liquid into them.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in the Kyiv Zoo, several centuries-old bequeathed botanical monuments, namely ash trees, cherry trees, sycamores and poplars were treated.

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