Transport — latest ecology news

These changes should be adopted by governments and legislators of the European Union

The owner of this luxury English rarity in Ukraine was a resident of Lviv region

This is the second postponement of the date after the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU

Environmental requirements can be relaxed only for some motor vehicles

This will help bring advanced clean technologies to life across Europe

Such a proposal is a step forward compared to EU legislation

The world is moving in the direction of environmental protection. Transport is one of the main sources of CO2 emissions

This is more than a quarter of all funds provided for the European transport network development program for 2021-2027

They are designed to take into account the interests of both animal owners and everyone who for various reasons avoids contact with them

They noted that it is one of the key factors affecting the state of our planet

HVO100 will reduce greenhouse emissions by 90% compared to traditional diesel fuel

The passage of mechanical vehicles through nature conservation areas is prohibited.