Sustainable development — latest ecology news

The transition to alternative energy sources took place within the framework of the Sustainable Development Strategy

The experience of other countries regarding green banks can help Ukraine create a tool for financing green recovery measures

Green development of Ukraine will depend on finances

The year 2022 was supposed to be the beginning of the active development of the climate direction

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates insisted on the adoption of this bill

The platform shows the level of importance of technology to achieve zero emissions

Humanity has 8.3-9.7 years before the global warming limit of 1.5℃ is exceeded

The technology allows to optimize the heating system in real time

This will help in monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of state policies of Ukraine in accordance with the national SDGs

The new economy of Ukraine must be based on the latest green and digital technologies

The strategic goal of post-war recovery is a clean and safe environment, further movement along the European green course and reconstruction of the economy according to the principles of sustainable development

BlackRock says it will not support most shareholders' proposals for climate change because of their redundancy