Sustainable development — latest ecology news

The countries of the bloc aim to reduce anthropogenic pollution to a level safe for human health and the environment by 2050

They illustrated them with good practices implemented in different countries

This is equivalent to 951,000 full-time jobs

When they are placed, environmental safety will be a priority

This was an important step for the country in approaching the standards of sustainable development of the EU

The head of the Ministry of Environment claims that it will create all the conditions for the initiation and effective operation of new projects in the field of green recovery in Ukraine

It should contribute to the rapid recovery of our country

The draft of this document was developed and published by the ministry at the beginning of May

They are necessary for the gradual reformation of the sphere of environmental protection and overcoming the consequences of the war

The townspeople strive to create a sustainable, modern and efficient energy system

The document returned to the parliament with the signature of the head of the country

Ukraine Plan was proposed by the government of Ukraine