Solar power plant — latest ecology news
Solar panels and heat pumps are compatible all year round
Floating SPPs also solve the problem of competition between energy production and food production
The lyceum and the medical clinic suffered a lot from the Russian aggression
In the summer, solar generation will be able to further support the energy system of Ukraine
Installing the maximum number of solar panels is part of preparing for the next heating season
The sale of electricity would partially cover the "green" tariff
The city also plans to develop public transport, separate waste collection and processing
Garbage sorting was also started in the church
Germany wants to triple the share of photovoltaic sources of electricity in 10 years
Thanks to SES, residents will be provided with heat and hot water even in conditions of power outages
The power of the station reaches 76.8 and 25.6 kW/h
Ukrainians are urged to remember the economical and responsible consumption of electricity during the evening peak hours