Rivne region — latest ecology news

This could destroy 1,343 species of plants and animals

Amber was mined in the Rivne Reserve and the Klesiv Forest with the help of environmentally hazardous soil leaching

Eco-inspectors did not find an excess of emission limits

Personnel purges were announced after the deputy director of the regional forest office was exposed for illegal enrichment of UAH 150 million

The police opened criminal proceedings for air pollution

The official was found with 3 luxury cars and plots with cottage buildings

The sanction of the article provides for a fine from 17 to 25.5 thousand UAH or arrest

About 600 children study at the lyceum and 70 teachers work

The capacity of all domestic SPPs in the region reached 29.5 MW

The case materials were handed over to the police

HEMPY UA will create 1,400 new jobs and a platform for scientific research

The city spent 174,000 hryvnias and 1 million hryvnias of grant funds to install solar panels