260 hectares of forests and swamps are to be destroyed for mining in Rivne region

260 hectares of forests and swamps are to be destroyed for mining in Rivne region

Katerina Belousova

The Ministry of Environment did not approve mining at the "Mak" deposit

Environmental activists are demanding that the State Service of Geology and Subsoil cancel the auction for the sale of the Mak deposit in Rivne region for peat extraction.

The 260-hectare site has preserved a swampy forest in its natural state, even without damage from illegal amber mining, the Ukrainian Nature Protection Group reports on Facebook.

"Illegal amber diggers miraculously bypassed these forests, which is a rarity for the former Volodymyretsky district of the Rivne region. Now it is planned to completely destroy this one of the few preserved marshes in the area," ecoactivists emphasized.

They said that they appealed to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources with an appeal not to approve mining. However, the department stated that the Ministry of Environment did not approve mining at the Mak field.

Eco-activists demand the cancellation of the sale of this plot, because the extraction of peat on it contradicts the requirements of the law and the declared goals with:

  • preservation of forests;
  • combating climate change.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that eco-activists called on the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources not to allow amber mining near Ukraine's largest wetlands of Syr Pogon without a preliminary environmental impact assessment.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources agreed to put up for auction the largest marsh massifs of Ukraine Syr Pogonya on the border of the Rivne Nature Reserve for the extraction of amber. Although the bequest of this territory had previously agreed.

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Ministry of Ecology approved forest destruction for amber extraction in Rivne region – UPG ecologists
Ministry of Ecology approved forest destruction for amber extraction in Rivne region – UPG ecologists

Ecoactivists are already preparing an appeal to the ministry on this issue

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Zhytomyr region agricultural company caught on illegal sand mining worth almost UAH 5 million

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