Recycling — latest ecology news
If the enterprise stops, 10,000-15,000 tons of waste paper per month will not be in demand, and waste paper prices will collapse
Reusable systems generate almost three times more CO2 emissions and require 3.6 times more fresh water than disposable paper-based ones.
Such dwellings will be made of recycled materials
Paper collages are unique in that they are made of waste paper
Collected caps are manually sorted by children and adults
There is still a lot of work to do to reduce waste
The chemical composition of oil and fuel for jet engines is quite close
Over the past four years, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestle and Unilever have been named the biggest plastic polluters
The technology can be used in large heaters or boilers for drying a large number of industrial products
Загальний дохід компанії у 2021 році склав близько €800 000 євро, а у 2022 році має збільшитися на 35%
The fashion industry is responsible for at least 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions