Legislation — latest ecology news

People's deputies will consider draft law No. 8037 "On chemical safety and management of chemical products", for which the ecocommittee is designated as the main

This is critically important for the energy sector

The law No. 8053 provides for fines for non-compliance with platform rules

Some Ukrainian projects will be able to receive co-financing already in 2022

Currently, Ukraine does not have a national PRTR containing data on pollutant releases and transfers.

The Ecocommittee should submit its proposals to draft law No. 7689 on business deregulation

Due to tariffs and the price of gas, alternative fuels become economically unprofitable

According to experts, draft law No. 7327 contains a number of negative norms and needs to be revised

Deputies will consider changes in the work plan of the Eco Committee for the period of the eighth session of the Verkhovna Rada

The existence of the permits proposed for cancellation did not affect the conservation of biodiversity

The draft law includes costs for maintaining the register and guarantees of origin to the tariff

EBA supports the need to create a register of emissions and transfers of pollutants