Landfills — latest ecology news

Perpetrators face imprisonment from 2 to 5 years

Almost 30% of the community's solid household waste will be taken by the Kamianets-Podilsky cement plant for alternative fuel

Over 700 million hryvnias were spent on reclamation in six years

The Russians plan to create 2 new landfills for garbage from the Rostov region

The declared funds are supposed to be spent on garbage containers and special equipment

About 50 people gathered for the first round

The creation of a modern landfill will help solve the problem of Lozova and neighboring communities

The plant will be able to process 250,000 tons of waste per year

In the summer of 2023, the Law "On Waste Management" enters into force, for which it is necessary to prepare dozens of industry regulatory legal acts

Police officers recorded the violation

Every country of the European Union supports Ukraine and offers specific cases of assistance

Landfill reclamation in Velikie Gribovichi is the most important project for Lviv