Industrial waste — latest ecology news

Metallurgical slag sections are 32% cheaper than traditional ones

In one week, Ukrainian eco-violators caused 2.8 million hryvnias worth of damage

34 million tons of industrial waste were disposed of or reused

The speed of real changes depends on the preparation of the state and business for the implementation of the reform

The community strives to prevent the breakthrough of brines from sludge storage tanks, tailings storage facilities and other facilities

The period of protective action of the coating should be at least 3 months

Violations were discovered in September 2021

In 2019, there were 43.5 million tons of red sludge in the fields

The company has taken a course on eco-modernization and is moving towards reducing emissions

In the summer of 2023, the Law "On Waste Management" enters into force, for which it is necessary to prepare dozens of industry regulatory legal acts

The result of the garbage reform will depend on the state and business

The strategy will create a clear road map for the development of industrial parks