The Ministry of Ecology has developed a draft order on waste management at enterprises Shutterstock

The Ministry of Ecology has developed a draft order on waste management at enterprises

Katerina Belousova

Companies will develop such plans for 5 years

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources has developed a draft order "On Approval of the Procedure for Developing Waste Management Plans for Enterprises, Institutions and Organizations" and announced the start of its discussion.

Such plans are part of a multi-level planning system envisaged by the waste reform, the Ministry of Environment reports.

It is noted that the Procedure should unify the rules for all enterprises that generate hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste with a volume of more than 50 tons. It also applies to enterprises engaged in waste treatment.

The report explains that companies will develop such plans for 5 years and make changes to them if necessary. The plans must contain data on:

  • characteristics of the enterprise as a business entity;
  • analysis of the current state of the waste management system;
  • waste management system planning;
  • monitoring of the implementation of the planned measures.

In the draft of the Order it was recommended to harmonize the waste management plan with regional and local plans. For enterprises operating in several territorial communities, plans must be developed for each of them.

"Only high-quality planning at all levels – from the state to each individual enterprise – will allow Ukraine to change the situation in the field of waste management and gradually bring our targets for the separate collection of waste, its processing and reduction of landfills to European standards," the Ministry of Environment emphasized.

It is noted that uniform rules will help improve the manageability and transparency of processes. They will also allow:

  • reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment and people's health, including industry workers;
  • to improve the sanitary-epidemiological condition of enterprise territories;
  • reducing the use of natural resources.

Proposals and comments on the draft order can be sent until March 19 to the address of Mindovkill (35 Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivskiho St., Kyiv, 03035) or to e-mail (

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources has published a draft of the National Waste Management Plan until 2033 and a plan of measures for it, which will begin to be implemented in 2024.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a priority action plan for 2024, in particular in the field of environmental protection with 28 tasks for the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and other departments.

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