Forests — latest ecology news

The trees were destroyed during June-July 2022

Since 2018, state forest farms have spent 65 million hryvnias on conducting OVD

21 hectares of the Lviv forest farm were seized from the Hrynevych family

Perpetrators face up to 7 years in prison

He faces up to 12 years in prison

The perpetrators forged official documents, which indicated that the cost of the equipment was UAH 5.2 million

The development of this deposit is contrary to Law No. 2456-XII "On the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine"

This will simplify monitoring and control by the public, anti-corruption organizations and the eco-community

Violations were detected at intervals of 20 minutes

The trees were destroyed during June-July 2023

Damages from abuses reached about 49 million hryvnias

The violator faces a fine or imprisonment for 6 months