European Green Deal — latest ecology news

The platform shows the level of importance of technology to achieve zero emissions

Energy will be at the center of COP27 talks

The plan will create employment and mitigate job losses linked to the green transition

A CBAM based on a climate contribution sets a clear incentive for climate-neutral production

Monitoring will help to implement an agreed policy within the framework of the European green agreement

China's green transition is unique, because its industry accounts for more than a quarter of GDP

The initiative is designed to ensure the principle of "rebuilt must be better than lost" while rebuilding the country.

The partnership agreement will strengthen the economic and social viability of Estonia's coastal communities

The IEA community provides about 75% of the world's energy demand

Eco-activists believe that the government could do much more to save fuel

Ukraine needs to take into account not only EU regulations and standards, but also their mistakes

By 2030, Ukraine is able to achieve 50% of electricity generation from RES in the energy balance