European Green Deal — latest ecology news

EU member states have to ensure new annual energy savings on average of 1.49% of final consumption

The Agrarian Committee is developing a draft law for the development of biomethane production

Financing will be available for large energy-intensive companies, medium-sized enterprises and small businesses

The grant will help develop scenarios for the city's transition to climate neutrality by 2050

Ecological aviation fuel is excluded from the list of priority technologies

The approval of the regulation banning cars with internal combustion engines has been postponed indefinitely

Installing the maximum number of solar panels is part of preparing for the next heating season

The law on critical raw materials will be of particular importance

The program will bring the city long-term investments in various sectors of the economy

The REPowerEU plan focuses mainly on increasing the use of renewable energy sources

Germany wants to triple the share of photovoltaic sources of electricity in 10 years

The Ecocommittee is waiting for comments and proposals from business regarding STV