European Green Deal — latest ecology news

Currently, it is not known where the investments for the implementation of eco-modernization will come from

Industrial development will require significant human resources, including the involvement of women

Investments in "green" energy will reach a record $1.7 trillion

Korea and the EU have agreed to promote climate action in the international arena, including as major donors of funding

This will create new standards for products

According to forecasts, the country's solar capacity will increase to 29 GW in 2030

The delay will increase pressure on Ursula von der Leyen's European Commission, as she must have time to implement her green agenda before the end of her mandate.

The station will increase the share of the country's installed solar energy capacity by 20%

Even before the full-scale invasion, the Mariupol plants were planned to turn into a DRI center for the production of "green" steel

The complete restoration and modernization of Trostianets will require about €400 million of investment

In 2022, solar energy capacity increased by 31%, and biogas - by 13%

62% of respondents believe that the UN sustainable development goal of basic access to "green" energy is insufficient