The construction of the largest wind power plant was completed in Scotland

The construction of the largest wind power plant was completed in Scotland

Katerina Belousova

The wind farm will be able to provide the energy needs of 1.6 million families

In Great Britain, the last 114 wind turbines were installed at the Sigrin wind farm.

The wind farm will be Scotland's largest offshore wind farm and the world's deepest fixed-bottom installation, Energy Voice reports.

It is noted that the wind power plant will be able to generate about 5,000 GWh of energy annually. It will be able to meet the needs of 1.6 million families. Currently, 76 turbines with a capacity of 10 MW are operating at the station.

Seagreen project director John Hill said that after the installation of all the wind turbines, they will begin to be put into operation and cables will be laid between the arrays.

"The project has already brought benefits to the local community, the UK supply chain, and once fully operational in the summer of 2023, it will make a significant contribution to achieving net zero targets for Scotland and the UK," he stressed.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion built more wind energy capacities (114 MW at Tiligul wind farm) than Great Britain (1 MW in Staffordshire).

As EcoPolitic previously reported, a launch was made in the German North Sea a unique wind power plant, the blades of which can be recycled after the end of their service life. The capacity of Kaskasi II is 342 MW.

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