Energy conservation — latest ecology news
Gaps in windows and doors cause approximately 15-25% of heat loss
Such a heating system heats three rooms with an area of 78 m2 in half an hour
Now each member state must develop cross-border projects for the expansion of green electricity
It is especially important for residents of apartments on the first floor to cover the floor with carpets
2 communities are already growing energy crops on their territories, and 2 more are preparing for the implementation of such an initiative
The tower will work on the principle of a thermos
The technology allows to optimize the heating system in real time
The declared annual reduction of carbon emissions reaches 135.9 tons
Hungary, which relies on gas from russia, demanded an exception
Due to the hot weather, the demand for air conditioners increases
The law simplifies the decision-making procedure of condominiums under martial law
Germany may become the third largest market for energy storage