Decarbonization — latest ecology news

JAPEX is working with energy partners to create a "decarbonized society" in Asia

Future climate benefits from Air Products' already announced hydrogen projects will eliminate more than 20 million tons of CO 2 per year

In 2025, Unigel plans to quadruple annual production

Considering that the price of carbon in Europe is about €90 per ton, 40-60% of emissions can be reduced economically

A major source of contention is the speed at which free emissions permits are phased out

Australia's conservative government supported fossil fuels for 9 years

The program will last for 6 months

Biden is ready to use every tool available to fight climate change

China's green transition is unique, because its industry accounts for more than a quarter of GDP

In order to follow the decarbonization trend, Ukraine must continue to develop electricity production from renewable sources

DACCS also has the potential to play a role in the development of environmentally friendly synthetic aviation fuels

Solar PV devices can power any building, including homes, schools, commercial buildings, and more