Climate change — latest ecology news
NATO's Strategic Concept identifies climate change as one of the major security challenges in the long run
Ecokarb exports will generate tens of millions of pounds per year
EU member states must speak with one voice, creating a vision of European energy sovereignty
According to him, such a club could work in G6 format
According to the entrepreneur, jobs in non-environmental companies have become less prestigious
Creating a Social Climate Fund will help those most affected by energy and mobile poverty cope with rising energy transition costs
In Henan Province, the temperature reached 70° C on June 16
In Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, coal-fired power plants are back in operation
Due to russian air strikes on oil depots and infrastructure facilities, an extremely large amount of pollutants and greenhouse gases enters the air
The share of RES in the global energy balance has grown minimally over the past decade - from 10.6% to 11.7%
The search for renewable energy facilities is accompanied by the opposition of communities through local aesthetics, violation of the environment and recreation
Convergence of prices, coverage and benefits between countries at different stages of economic development is unlikely