Animal shelters — latest ecology news

The athlete also called to take animals from shelters

BEST ECO FEST will open a charity fundraiser for the launch of an animal rescue center

Benefactors can pay for a symbolic square meter of a stable for horses or one brick

The domesticated animals have made way for others living on the street

The law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings on the fact of cruelty to animals

The initiators of the project analyzed the behavior of cats and described their character, preferences and need for activity

The shelter can also be supported financially

Sewage flooded about 1,500 m2 of territory

It is a real miracle when animals in distress recover and find a new home

In the first day, it was possible to collect more than 50 thousand hryvnias

More than 353 thousand hryvnias have already been collected for the restoration of the shelter

The public calls for the perpetrators to be brought to justice and does not believe in the effectiveness of the police