The agenda of the EcoCommittee for September 13

The agenda of the EcoCommittee for September 13

Katerina Belousova

Deputies will consider changes in the work plan of the Eco Committee for the period of the eighth session of the Verkhovna Rada

On Tuesday, September 13, at 11:00 a.m., a meeting of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Environmental Policy and Nature Management will be held via video conference.

EcoPolitic prepared for its readers committee's agenda.

The deputies must consider draft laws, for which the committee is designated as the main:

  • #7327 regarding the state environmental monitoring system, information on the state of the environment (ecological information) and information support for environmental management;
  • #5159 the second reading – regarding the introduction of liability for violation of the procedure for carrying out a strategic environmental assessment.

The committee must submit its proposals to the following documents:

  • bill #0167 regarding the ratification of the Agreement between Ukraine and the EU on participation in the LIFE Program – the Environment and Climate Action Program, submitted by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi;
  • draft law No. 7072 regarding state support for the development of production and processing of animal husbandry products;
  • draft law No. 7641 regarding the creation of the state fund for the development of fisheries.

In addition, the eco-committee will consider the issue on changes to the Committee's work plan for the period of the eighth session of the Verkhovna Rada of the ninth convocation.

As EcoPolitic reported before, EcoCommittee reviewed the state of development at the meeting on September 5 three European integration draft laws, in particular, draft law No. 4461 "On the territories of the Emerald Network".

The Ecocommittee and international partners discussed steps towards the green recovery of Ukraine
The Ecocommittee and international partners discussed steps towards the green recovery of Ukraine

The details of the operation of the Green Recovery platform will be discussed at the committee hearing in March 2024

The EcoCommittee provided conclusions on the draft law "On scrap"
The EcoCommittee provided conclusions on the draft law "On scrap"

People's deputies will re-examine draft law No. 9627 "On attracting investments for the rapid reconstruction of Ukraine"

The EcoCommittee will consider the draft law "On scrap metal"
The EcoCommittee will consider the draft law "On scrap metal"

The members of the ecocommittee have to consider 7 draft laws

The EcoCommittee will hold a meeting on the implementation of EU norms on July 4
The EcoCommittee will hold a meeting on the implementation of EU norms on July 4

The members of the Working Group will be formed from the experts invited to the meeting