Uniform rules for the sustainable development of forests of any size have been established in Ukraine shutterstock

Uniform rules for the sustainable development of forests of any size have been established in Ukraine

Katerina Belousova

This will make it possible to preserve certain species of plants and animals, as well as biodiversity in general

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved uniform rules for regulating forests of all forms of ownership, regardless of their area.

The new rules will promote sustainable forest use and the implementation of best European practices in forestry, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources reports on Facebook.

It is noted that the rules will cover self-forested areas in all field protection forest strips located on agricultural land. The document was developed in compliance with the Law of Ukraine dated June 20, 2022 No. 2321-IX "On the preservation of forests". Thanks to this, unified rules for regulating forests of all forms of ownership will apply in Ukraine, regardless of their area.

"Forest management rules will allow to plan measures to create forest plantations with a structure close to natural forests. In addition, modern planning of forest management will help preserve rare species of flora and fauna, steppe and meadow areas, protected areas, reduce continuous felling, and increase the share of forests that will regenerate naturally, where possible," said Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets.

The message stated that the Procedure provides for:

  • constant updating of information about forests, because forest management materials will be developed in electronic form and will be entered into a single electronic tax and cartographic database;
  • involvement of the public in the preparation of the forest management procedure at various stages of its implementation;
  • taking into account the environmental impact assessment when planning the forest management procedure;

The press service emphasized that the document outlined the possibility of a simplified procedure for implementing forest management once every 20 years to encourage private owners of self-forested plots to reproduce forests.

Forest management rules provide for mandatory collection and arrangement of information on:

  • territories of the ecological network, which have a special value for the protection of the environment;
  • location of species of flora and fauna and their natural habitats, which are protected in accordance with the Berne Convention;
  • virgin forests, semi-virgin forests and natural forests;
  • typical and unique natural complexes, places of growth and settlement of rare and endangered species, species of flora and fauna included in regional (regional) lists.

"This will make it possible to ensure the preservation of individual species of flora and fauna, as well as biodiversity as a whole," the message explained.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the Cabinet of Ministers approved the introduction amendments to the Forest Reproduction Rules, which will regulate the preservation of self-seeded forests, meadows and pastures within the framework of the law "On the preservation of forests".

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the rules for felling trees and shrubs and the use of this wood in forest areas not intended for forestry.

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