Waste management information system launched in Ukraine in test mode shutterstock

Waste management information system launched in Ukraine in test mode

Katerina Belousova

Ukraine seeks to create a unique automated waste management system

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources launched a beta version of the waste management information system and began work on an updated version, taking into account existing business proposals.

Users will be able to send suggestions and comments on the operation of the system, because subsequently all enterprises will have to use it, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources.

It is noted that the department presented the system to representatives of business and the public.

“The information system is one of the “cornerstones” of a large-scale reform that started in Ukraine on July 9 with the entry into force of the Law on Waste Management. So far, such a system has been launched in beta version so that everyone can protest it and provide their suggestions and comments ”, – said Sergey Vlasenko, Deputy Minister for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization.

He explained that in the future all enterprises will work in the system. Therefore, it is important to make it efficient and convenient.

It is noted that the participants of the event were shown how in the information system:

  • keep records of waste and submit reports;
  • transfer waste from the originator to the processor;
  • Obtain a license to handle hazardous waste.

According to Yevgenia Popovich, Director of the Department of Digital Transformation and Electronic Public Services of the Ministry of Natural Resources, when developing the information system, the ministry studied the experience of European countries. In international practice, PDF files are uploaded to such systems, the data from which officials calculate manually. In Ukraine, they strive to automate all processes.

“Our goal is clear traceability of every ton of waste. So that not only the state, but also residents of settlements, the public can see how much waste is generated on the territory, what kind of handlers there are, what operations were carried out with waste. There is no such practice in the world yet, Ukraine will lay the foundation for it," Popovich stressed.

Vitaly Belousov, Deputy Director of the Department of Digital Transformation and Electronic Public Services of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said that the department is developing a registry subsystem to track all the actions of waste creators, carriers and handlers.

“In the new improved version of the system, enterprises will additionally not create any documents. The system will generate all the reports on its own, and also give hints about what permission needs to be obtained, when to sign the reports, etc.,” he explained.

According to him, version 2.0 will also provide functionality for monitoring the movement of waste by the State Environmental Inspectorate and the public, regional state administrations and local governments.

It is noted that the system is being developed with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and international partners of the USAID / UK aid project "Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services / TAPAS", the APENA2 project.

Recall that Ukrainian entrepreneurs were urged to prepare for the changes introduced by Law No. 2320-IX "On Waste Management", in particular, to carry out several preliminary stages.

EcoPolitics previously analyzed what, with the entry into force of the new law and whether Ukraine will be able to overcome the garbage invasion.

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