The Ukrainian market of chemicals and products will now follow European rules shutterstock

The Ukrainian market of chemicals and products will now follow European rules

Anna Velyka

According to the requirements of the new Technical Regulation, the dangerousness of chemicals and products will be assessed according to 33 classes of dangerousness

On Friday, May 10, the government approved the Technical Regulations on Hazard Classification, Labeling and Packaging of Chemical Products.

This was reported by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.

Thus, the Cabinet of Ministers has implemented the provisions of the relevant European CLP (Classification, Labeling, Packaging) Regulation. This regulation is legally binding in all EU member states and is directly applicable to all industries.

What will change for market participants?

The new Technical Regulation significantly increases their responsibility. Manufacturers, importers, suppliers, and other operators must, before placing chemical products on the market,:

  • collect all available information about it regarding dangerous properties;
  • assess the validity of such information;
  • carry out the classification of the dangerousness of a chemical substance according to all classes, differentiations and categories determined by the Technical Regulations;
  • carry out hazard classification in accordance with the criteria of the globally agreed system of hazard classification and labeling of chemical products (GHS) for chemical products that they manufacture, import or provide on the market of Ukraine;
  • ensure that their chemical products are properly packaged and have appropriate hazard labeling.

The government claims that business has now received clear rules of operation according to international standards and, accordingly, access to foreign markets, and Ukrainian citizens will have free access to information on the degree of danger of substances and chemical products.

The next step, which the Ministry of Environment is currently working on, is the implementation of another EU technical regulation – REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of CHemicals). It deals with the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of the use of chemicals. Specialists of the Ministry have already developed the relevant Technical Regulation and will submit it to the Government in the near future.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the development and submission for approval of Technical Regulations harmonized with European CLP and REACH were included by the Government in the priority action plan for June 2024.

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