A loan program for the installation of solar panels is being prepared for Ukrainians shutterstock

A loan program for the installation of solar panels is being prepared for Ukrainians

Elizaveta Volkotrub

Ukrgasbank and Bank Lviv may be the first banks participating in the project

The Entrepreneurship Development Fund (EDF) is preparing a compensation program for Ukrainians aimed at covering part of the loan used to install solar panels in private households.

This was announced by Andriy Gapon, Chairman of the Board of the SPF, during a press conference at Ukrinform.

He noted that the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine had approached the Fund with a proposal to develop a new energy support program aimed at individuals.

"This is a rather unusual category of recipients for us, because previously the FRP focused only on supporting Ukrainian business – primarily, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises," Gapon says.

He explains that the idea is to enable private household owners to take consumer loans from partner banks of the new budget program. This will make it possible to offset part of the loans issued for the installation of solar panels.

Gapon also talked about the idea of ​​creating a catalog of ready-made solutions. This means that clients who apply to one of the partner banks for an "energy-efficient" loan will have the opportunity to view ready-made projects and choose the most optimal solution for themselves.

"According to our calculations, 3 thousand households will be able to install solar panels within the framework of the future program. Thus, firstly, they will provide themselves with energy and at least in some periods will not depend on the general networks, and secondly, they will be able to sell the remaining to the state I hope we will quickly develop a mechanism that would satisfy the citizens of Ukraine who want to use such energy-efficient solutions," concluded Andriy Gapon.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Chortkiv community in Ternopil Oblast received 978 new solar panels with a total capacity of 315 kW from the Swiss company Helion Energy for free.

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