In Rivne, residents turned a 44-year-old house into a "new building". Photos before and after Shutterstock

In Rivne, residents turned a 44-year-old house into a "new building". Photos before and after

Olena Yatseno

How much did it cost the residents

Despite the war in Rivne, the previously started project on energy modernization of the old building, in which the association of co-owners of an apartment building "Promin-Rivne" was created, has been completed.

Pictures of what the house was like before the modernization and what it became like after it were published on the website Energy Efficiency Fund .

It is a 44-year-old nine-story building with three entrances, which houses 107 apartments. Residents of this building have chosen package B "Complex" of the "Energodim" Program.

What energy efficiency measures have been implemented:

  • a set of works on thermal insulation and arrangement of external walls was performed;
  • replaced the pipelines of the internal heating system in non-residential premises, performed their thermal insulation;
  • hydraulic balancing of the heating system was carried out by installing automatic (balancing) valves;
  • window blocks and balcony doors were replaced, and loggias in apartments were glazed.

“The co-owners are very satisfied with the results of the project, over the past heating season they have already experienced not only a significant improvement in the comfort of living in the house, but also achieved significant savings. Compared to the previous heating season, utility bills decreased by about 21%, after the introduction of energy efficiency measures, the residents of a two-room apartment paid approximately UAH 2,500 less for heat during the season, without taking into account rising energy costs, ”said the chairman. ACMH "Ray-Rivne" Vladimir Lazarchuk.

How much did the energy modernization of the house cost?

Total cost of the project - UAH 5.2 million, of which UAH 3.6 million - the size of the grant , paid by the Energy Efficiency Fund under the ENERGODIM Program, the last payment was made at the end of April this year.

Own contribution of co-owners in total makes almost 1,6 million UAH.

The cost of work for one apartment with an area of ​​60 square meters / m2 was 14.8 thousand UAH, or 247.07 UAH / m2.

Project duration: 18 months (10.2020-04.2022).

Photo: Energy Efficiency Fund

How much will they save now

Projected reduction in energy consumption , calculated by the energy auditor - 23.2%.

Projected annual savings for heating needs for the whole house is 346.3 thousand UAH.

Declared annual reduction of CO2 emissions - 50.3 tons / year.

The Energy Efficiency Fund noted that military actions on the territory of Ukraine do not stop the process of implementing energy efficiency projects under the Energodim program. In regions where this is possible, construction is ongoing and the Fund is fulfilling its commitments and supporting condominiums. In total, since the beginning of martial law in Ukraine, the participants of the Energodim program have already been paid grants totaling almost UAH 181.5 million.

Before EcoPolitics reported that the Government of Ukraine adopted as a basis in the first reading bill № 6485 on creation of conditions for introduction of complex thermal modernization of buildings.

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