12 easy ways to save laptop battery power shutterstock

12 easy ways to save laptop battery power

Anna Velyka

Useful tips in case of outages that will help optimize the performance of the laptop battery

With frequent power outages, working on a laptop can be a real challenge, especially for those who work remotely. To get the most out of your battery life, keep an eye out for 12 easy ways to optimize your laptop battery life.

  1. Reduce the brightness of the screen

The screen is one of the main consumers of energy on a laptop. Reducing its brightness will help significantly increase battery life. You can adjust it using the brightness adjustment buttons on the keyboard or through the operating system settings.

  1. Disable unnecessary programs and services

Even when you're not actively using an app, it can run in the background and consume battery power. Regularly check the list of running programs and services and disable the ones you don't need to save your laptop's battery.

  1. Use power saving mode

Most modern laptops have a power saving mode that automatically adjusts various settings to save battery life. You can activate this mode using a button on the laptop body or through the settings of the operating system.

  1. Disable unnecessary features

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and other wireless interfaces consume a lot of energy even when they are not in use. Turn them off when you don't need them.

  1. Reduce CPU performance

If you do not need the maximum performance of the processor, you can lower its frequency to save battery power. This can be done using the power plan settings of the operating system.

  1. Use airplane mode

Airplane mode turns off all wireless connections on your laptop, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS. This can significantly increase battery life, especially if you are not using the Internet.

  1. Close all unnecessary browser tabs

Open tabs, especially those with video or audio playing, can use up a lot of battery power. Close all unnecessary tabs to save laptop battery.

  1. Use the original charger

It is specially designed for the battery of this particular laptop. Using a non-original charger may damage the battery and shorten its life.

  1. Do not overheat or overcool the laptop

This can negatively affect the laptop battery and shorten its life. Do not use the laptop in the sun or in other hot places.

  1. Update your drivers regularly

Outdated drivers can cause inefficient use of battery power.

  1. Install software to monitor and optimize battery performance

Use programs to monitor system resources, which will help you identify the most energy-consuming programs and processes.

12. Turn off the keyboard backlight.

Remember: the laptop battery loses its capacity over time. If you've noticed that your device's battery life has decreased significantly, it may be time to consider replacing its battery.

We hope that our simple tips on how to optimize the performance of your laptop battery will help you significantly increase battery life and use it longer without access to electricity.

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