The Ministry of Finance finalized the preparation of NDTM for three types of products shutterstock

The Ministry of Finance finalized the preparation of NDTM for three types of products

Anna Velyka

This is already the third European NDTM reference document for which the translation and terminology have been adapted

The working group at the Ministry of Finance has finalized the translated into Ukrainian language European reference document NDTM (the best available technologies and management methods) for the production of cement, lime and magnesium oxide. In particular, experts agreed on national technical terminology with the terminology of the European Union.

This was reported by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine.

You can read the text of the document at the link.

The introduction of NDTM is one of the conditions for the European integration of Ukraine. Our country must implement the 2010/75/ЄS Directive "On industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control)." According to it, it is mandatory for enterprises to apply the best available technologies and management methods and achieve the maximum permissible emissions established in accordance with them.

The Ministry of Environment reports that the next stage will be the approval of the NDTM conclusions at the national level. A necessary prerequisite for this is the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of European integration draft law No. 11355 "On integrated prevention and control of industrial pollution".

Deputies have already approved it in the first reading, having failed to vote for the almost identical draft law No. 6004-d "On ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens to an environment safe for life and health" the day before. Now draft law No. 11355 is being prepared for the second reading.

The adopted law should launch the reform of prevention, reduction and control of industrial pollution.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, in December 2022 The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources made public the first reference documents on the Best Available Techniques and Management Practices/BREFs for production iron and steel, cement, lime and magnesium oxide, as well as about energy efficiency. In March 2023 The Ministry of Environment published updated NDTM for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. In May of the same year the ministry made public newly translated reference documents on best available technologies and management practices for production glass and ceramics. And in July 2023 the department called the public to familiarize themselves with the published NDTM regarding air emissions, surface treatment with organic solvents, blacksmithing and foundry industry and join the discussion.

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