Shmyhal announces government reform and reduction of the number of ministries shutterstock

Shmyhal announces government reform and reduction of the number of ministries

Katerina Belousova

In 2022, the number of ministries in Ukraine was planned to be reduced to 12

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal said that as part of the government reform, the government plans to reduce the number of ministries by a third and cut the number of civil servants.

He said this at a press conference on Monday, March 4, Interfax reports.

Currently, there are 19 ministries in Ukraine.

"We are working on changing the format of the government. In particular, reducing the number of ministries. We want to reduce the number of ministries by a third, reduce the number of civil servants," Shmyhal said.

It should be noted that in 2022 Ukraine already planned to < optimize the Cabinet of Ministers in order to < reduce the number of ministries to 12. It was planned that the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources would lose its subjectivity and join the Ministry of Energy.

According to Shmyhal, the authorities are working on the creation of a strong Center of Government, where auxiliary and administrative functions will be concentrated.

"Ministries should have a small number of very good specialists who will shape state policy, and the Government Center will provide legal support in the personnel, accounting and financial spheres. Also, the Government Center should quickly prepare documents for one or another ministry," he added.

It is noted that according to the opinion of the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers Oleg Nemchinov, the launch of the Government Center can take place by 2025.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets is convinced that in 2026 Ukraine will be able to complete the implementation of the majority of European environmental directives and regulations.

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