It became known how many dolphins were killed by the war unleashed by Russia shutterstock

It became known how many dolphins were killed by the war unleashed by Russia

Olena Yatseno

Some of the animals had burns from bomb or mine explosions

The victims of the russian invasion in Ukraine were at least three thousand dolphins in the Black Sea.

About it on the facebook page said Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor and employee of the National Nature Park "Tuzla Estuaries" Ivan Rusev.

"The wildlife of the Black Sea is now very much experiencing the brutality of the war. A few days ago, a survey of only a small area of ​​the sandy coast of the Black Sea coast in the Tuzla Estuaries National Park showed the presence of dead dolphins again," said the scientist.

He noted that dolphins, unlike in previous years, are dying today due to hostilities in the Black Sea, due to the senseless and barbaric war of the russians. "According to our estimates, at least three thousand individuals died," the scientist added.


According to him, since the beginning of the full-scale war, dead dolphins have been dumped on the coast of the national park for the second time. They were found during a survey of part of the park. The ecologist added photos of the bodies of dead mammals to his post on the social network.

According to the scientist, powerful sonar and explosions destroy the thin navigation system of animals, because of which dolphins "blind" and die of starvation, because they can not find food. Also, due to the weakness of the body, they pick up infectious diseases.


Within the Tuzla Estuaries National Park, the injured animals are found on the coast, but specialists are not able to survey large areas due to the military ban, so the number of dead animals can be quite large.

Rusev also said that the consequences of Russia's deadly war were also observed in Bulgaria and Romania. At the mouth of the river Ropotamo found several powerless dolphins that did not navigate in space. Some of the animals had burns from bomb or mine explosions.


We will remind that for the last time on the shores of Odessa region a dead dolphin was found less than a month ago, on June 2.

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